1. What is Follow the Queen?

Follow the Queen is a strategy game that can be played by two or more players. The object of the game is to capture the other player’s queen, or to block the other player’s queen from moving.

2. How to Play Follow the Queen:

The game is played on a square board with nine squares in each row and column. The players take turns moving their pieces diagonally across the squares. A piece can only move if it is not blocked by another piece. The player’s goal is to move their piece to the last square on the opposite side of the board, capturing the opponent’s queen if possible.

3. The History of Follow the Queen:

The origins of Follow the Queen are uncertain, but it is thought to have originated in India or Persia. The game was first mentioned in a book published in 1801, and it became popular in Britain in the early 1800s.

4. Variations of Follow the Queen:

There are several variations of Follow the Queen, including: Checkers, Crown and Anchor, English Draughts, and Continental Draughts.

5. Tips for Winning at Follow the Queen:

There are several tips for winning at Follow the Queen
-Try to block your opponent’s pieces from moving
-Capture your opponent’s pieces whenever possible
-Move your pieces diagonally across the squares so they are less likely to be blocked
-If you can’t capture your opponent’s queen, try to block her from moving instead.

6. Where to Play Follow the Queen

Follow the Queen can be played online or in person at various gaming venues.

7. Who Can Play Follow the Queen

Follow the Queen can be played by anyone aged six or older. It is best suited for two players but can also be played by three or four players.

8. How Much Does it Cost to Play Follow the Queen

The cost to play Follow theQueen varies depending on where you play. Online games typically charge a small fee per game, while physical gaming venues may charge an admission fee or require you purchase chips or tokens to play

9. What are Prizes for Winning at Follow the Queen

The prizes for winning atFollowtheQueen vary depending on where you play. Online games typically offer modest cash

Why play Follow the Queen?

There are a number of reasons why people might choose to play Follow the Queen. Some people enjoy the strategy and challenge of the game, while others might play for the chance to win prizes. Additionally, Follow the Queen is a social game that can be enjoyed with friends or family.

Follow the Queen FAQ

1. What is the object of the game?

The object of the game is to capture the other player’s queen, or to block the other player’s queen from moving.

2. How do you win the game?

The goal is to move your piece to the last square on the opposite side of the board, capturing the opponent’s queen if possible.

3. Can a piece move if it’s blocked by another piece?

Pieces can only be moved if there is not another piece blocking it.

4. Can a piece move diagonally?

A move can only be made diagonally across squares, not vertically or horizontally.

5. What happens if a player’s queen is captured?

If a player’s queen is captured, that player loses the game.

6. Where can I play Follow the Queen?

Follow the Queen can be played online or in person at various gaming venues.

7. How much does it cost to play Follow the Queen?

The cost to play Follow the Queen varies depending on where you play. Online games typically charge a small fee per game, while physical gaming venues may charge an admission fee or require you purchase chips or tokens to play.

8. What are prizes for winning at Follow the Queen?

The prizes for winning at Follow the Queen vary depending on where you play. Online games typically offer modest cash prizes, while physical gaming venues may offer larger cash prizes or other prizes such as trips or merchandise.


Follow the Queen is a strategy game that can be played online or in person. The goal is to capture the other player’s queen, or to block the other player’s queen from moving.
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